Why do I loathe you? I don't even have a 9to5 job and I still loathe you. You do not bring the fresh air relief and giggly giddiness of Friday night (can I remember that feeling before kids?) or the ripe, sunshine-y fun of Saturday. You are Sunday. A utilitarian type of day; just 24 stainless steel hours. A day of chores, a big leaky day, ticking away our precious moments of free time before Monday. I usually go to church (www.alcf.net) on Sundays - it helps center me, focus on God and brushes the inside of my brain with Comet. I come away feeling lighter, refreshed and jazzed for a burrito. Today I missed church. I felt like a big bowl-less goldfish, flopping around gasping for life force. I'm so freakin' dramatic. Ok, so I felt a little floaty without my Jesus dose. So now I'm downloading gospel music (cause I like my Jesus music laden with R&B grooves and a giant back-up choir) and feeling better.
The list you've all been waiting for! Small Town Girl's anxiety list!
1) My kid's allergies - wheat, corn, peas - this kid is going to live on sushi. Watching him like a hawk so he doesn't pick up his sister's food or old crumbs off the ground. No more ER visits please!!!
2) My career replaced by profound knowledge of infant poop, vomit and pee!
3) The crazy economy, our dwindling 401Ks, terrorists, what if that old dude wins the election?!
4) My old 60s (untouched, totally original) rancher. When I watch "Mad Men", I recognize my kitchen.
5) How all this affects my sleep. I used to have crazy GI problems in elementary school due to stress, those were replaced by anxiety attacks in college/young adulthood. Now I'm just a sleepless bag of doorknobs when I get stressed.
6) No more stomach muscles.
7) Too much diet coke. Yes, I believe I need to stop this terrible habit of drinking canned drano. It's not good.
That's all for now. hey, it feels good to barf this out online.