Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random notes

Just some random thoughts from my small brain:

- Sarah Palin has some giant ass cajones. She was on the city council in 1992 and 16 years later she is up for VP of USA. That's a pretty vertical career climb and from Alaska no less. She reminds me of a pageant contestant: oozing charm, bouncy hair and lipsticked to the max. She is the stomach-able version of a female political candidate for the Republican man: attractive, opposite of butch, providing some sexual tension during meetings, not getting too detailed with policy - leaving that "hard" stuff to the men. I'm in shock that she got this far but apparently she was being groomed for years. I'm amazed. Where is my career going?

- I am an unapologetic suburbanite. Or maybe I just hate San Francisco. I love Paris, Amsterdam, New York (if I was a billionaire) but SF just really makes me ill. It's dirty, everything is so far apart...all the neighborhoods are spread out. I don't like the whole hippy vibe. It drives me nuts, I think. I used wallow in it, admire it but now I just get the skkeeved out. sorry golden gate.

- My husband and I have been married for 10 years; together for 14 years if you include our dating years. He is turning 40 in two days. I'm not mushy but he's my true soulmate. He gets me and I get him. We have the same sense of humor and view of the world and we understand each other and appreciate each other. We love our family and share same values. I wouldn't want anyone else as a Dad to my kids. He's my rock - keeps my tethered to the ground though he might say the same of me.