- I started mtn. biking. Yeah bitch! I - a 44 year old - mom of two started mountain biking. Mid-life crisis? Sure! Call it what you will. With my trusty group (called the Re-vuars) of careening mom bikers (called the Re-vulvars), I started biking 2x weekly up and down the hills of Arastradero & Montebello Preserves. Steep dusty trails are now my friend.
- The kids started woodworking class. This is not Khan Academy or digital arts but just plain wood working. I have this hunch that the kids need more tactile, calming things aside from swiping a screen and seeing fabulously rendered digital pictures.
- M started a new job. Yup another start-up. Here we go again. But I'm glad my hub has found his niche….
- Smallest Lenz started kindergarten. I didn't actually do donuts in the parking lot but I did tell a lot of people that I would on the first day of school. This is a huge milestone for me. As a stay at home mom - I thought this day would never come. Once it did - I felt a little bit sad but mostly fuckin' jubilant.
- More 5ks - S and I ran our second Girls on the Run 5k and I also did the Willow Glen 5k with some dear friends. Running is still in my blood until my hips start lying (shakira).
- 3rd annual Thanksgiving celebration with my dear friend - Diane. She has come for three years in a row and I'm deeply happy that we've kept our friendship going. Now she has a beautiful daughter so we have the kids to corral together and watch them grow. I love you Dmasterflash.
That's all for 2013. I'm sure there are other things I can't remember now. One thing I do know is that this life is short and it can be glorious. Take advantage of every second - for the next is not promised to us!!!!
xoxo C,