Sunday, January 10, 2010

Twenty Ten

New year means new promises to myself.  These are in no particular order:
1) Lose the pooch.  hint: I don't have a dog.
2) Read more to my children.
3) Make said children eat more veggies.
4) Make kid#1 fluent in Korean. Don't judge.  Ok, judge but be quiet about it.
5) Make kid#2 stop being allergic to everything.  Ok, try to help him cope with allergies.
6) Eat better.  Cut down on carbs unless week before Aunt Flo.
7) Run a 10k.
8) Appreciate my man more. He deserves it and I often overlook.
9) Invite people over to my house more.  Exercise hospitality.  Boil up some hot dogs.  You get the picture.
10) Be kinder to myself.  My family.  My friends.
11) Learn to compost.  I can't for the life of me figure this out.
12) Don't touch my cell phone at all while driving.
13) Clean garage.

Good list, huh?  I can't think of anything more.  Have a happy new year.