Cold weather with its smells and sensations conjure up memories like an aggressive leaf blower. Here in Northern California, it is chilly and wet. We are in the dead of winter which means sweaters, heater on full blast in the car, fingerless gloves, tea, soup, double comforters, people freaking out on the road because its raining while they drive (we're wimpy). It's batten down the hatches time. I do love the coziness of the season but I hate the cold air that hits you right out of the shower. Won't miss that in July. Something about cold weather makes me nostalgic. Not sure why. Maybe it's all the George Winston I am playing that produces such melancholia....anyway here is the list.
1) spending every Christmas at a casino/ski area. if you guessed Reno or South Lake Tahoe - you get a dollar!
2) trying to keep my umbrella from flipping inside out (unsuccessfully) while walking home with my neighbor. I was in 1st grade! Can you imagine doing that now? Incroyable.
3) listening to the rain dripping from the roof spout outside from my warm cozy bed
4) pushing away leaves and debris that built up near the storm drains and watching the water whoosh by!
5) drinking cocoa too fast and touching the now scalded roof of my mouth with my tongue
6) trying to button a raincoat over 2 sweaters. Mom was worried I was going to Everest on my way to school.