I started training for a 10k about 3 weeks ago. Training includes running 3-4 miles about 3 days a week. In between I have been doing cross-training and stretching. I am a mean couch potato so all this activity is kinda weird for me. I've always liked the outdoors, hiking and walking but never running. At least not over 3 miles and this was done only because I was doing a 5k. Despite my daily huffing and puffing, sweat drenched unders, and sore legs, I have yet to see my mom-gut wither and disappear. The muffin top is still a top. She stands proudly, jutting out her "chin" to world, saying - I make Christine look pregnant and I don't care! Before you send me an email asking me if I am still eating carbs, let me say one thing: Hold up there, missie! I'm not gonna give up carbs. So ask me something else. I have been eating fewer carbs if that helps. One of the saddest days was when I figured out my fave tortilla chips were about 10 cals a chip. (tear drop).
You might ask me why I'm running. Go ahead ask me. Well, the main reason is to give my workouts a purpose; another reason is that I LOVE the high that running gives me; thirdly, I like running with my new girl peeps, Mel and Lisa. They provide entertainment and encouragement. We're like our own support group. We meet on Saturday mornings and run about 4 miles and then say goodbye and go on our ways to families, housework and daily life. For that 1 hour though, we are athletes smiling and sweaty, out in the world and having a blast.