Saturday, September 17, 2011


So it's been a while since I've posted on my blog.  I've been "kinda" busy.  Strong quotes around kinda because it's meant as massive understatement.  Kids are (almost) 4 and definitely 8.  What am I busy doing?  Driving two kids to/from: school, soccer, swimming, doctors and/or dentist appts and parks, cooking, shopping for food (e.g., modern day version of hunter/gatherer), cleaning house, folding laundry, paying bills and watching re-runs of Sopranos.  Yeah, I watch old school re-runs of the hyper violent show, The Sopranos.  I believe it is a relief valve (emotional fart hole) for any animosity that develops between me and 1) the kitchen, endless dishes  2) small people that I live with 3) that guy in traffic who isn't paying attention to the light  4) and random people who piss me off and my personal favorite 5) poop.

In between, I've been social - meeting up with friends.  Wonderful women who are funny, supportive and listen to my tales of triumph and (sometime) woe.  I cherish my friendships.  I get a high from chatting and laughing with them.  It's amazing how your shitty mood can be instantly lifted by a quick chat with a friend.  Friendship is the Rx for my shitty moods.  I keep forgetting this as I sometimes let dark clouds linger longer than necessary.  I want to make a vow right now to nurture my friends and also to let them nurture me.  I can't be a lone wolf though I often fantasize that I don't need anyone - that I am totally self-sufficient.  This feeling lasts about 13 minutes on Monday morning as I hear the barking of my 4 year old ringing in my ears. Help!  Eeek!  Calgon - take me away even though you sometimes give me a rash!

I will close up for for your entertainment enjoyment is a list of words that sounds like swears/off-color but technically are not.

1) D-hole or J-hole (actually any letter in front of hole sounds bad)
2) Bizznotch
3) Shaq
4) Farkenheimer
5) Nuck
6) Flip! (said really loudly in right context)