I saw this 'Office' episode where Kevin, the HR guy, accidentally dumps a giant pot of chili on the office carpet. He tries desperately to scoop it back into the pot with anything he can grab which turns out to be a manila file folder. His weak attempts are ineffective and he ends up slipping around in a giant, goopy mess - somehow making it all worse with each stroke. Kevin's goopy incident made me think of some of my more difficult days here at the ranch. Love the kids; hate the mess. My 2 y.o. son is adorable but he has been driving me bonkers for days....waking up in the middle of the night for no reason. Then creating havoc during the day, making messes, biting his older sister and generally being a loon. I'm told this is normal behavior for boys. I'm not happy about this feedback at all. I'm biding my time until preschool - hopefully he won't get kicked out. In the meantime, I will keep scooping up the chili...
On a brighter note, I published a guest post at Kimchi Mamas on my daughter's Korean school. Check it out here.