Thursday, May 06, 2010

Life is like a shitty first draft

I finally figured it out:  life is not perfect.  No matter how hard I try, worry or plan - life is like a shitty first draft.  Life provides a waterfall of metaphors (get it?).  It is like stumbling in the dark naked with a sharp knife on a Vaselined slip-n-slide.  Ok, it's not always that bad but life as I know it now is definitely a shitty first draft.  I pride myself in being proficient in many things.  I gain ego strokes from knowing that I'm the best or better than a lot of people at something.  Parenting is not one of these things.  I feel like I'm stumbling in the dark and just trying to hang onto the side of the boat while huge waves crash down on me.  
I don't get to correct my mistakes at the end of day - I only get another day.  Everyday is like a first draft that you have to turn in to the teacher whether you like it or not.  

This pains me especially because I hate writing first drafts because they are pretty shitty. If you are a writer, you know what I'm talking about.  First you have the great idea to about write about something.  Then if you are me - you procrastinate about fleshing it out further.  You instead put into a notebook and then forget about it.  Worse, you might come across it several weeks later and then file it under "good ideas to write about."  What are you putting off?  You are putting off producing a shitty first draft.  A shitty first draft is something that we all have to go through.  It's wobbly, confused prose.  It doesn't even hang together.  Your first few paragraphs may register some sparks but mostly its farts.  I hate first drafts.  As the words come out, you wince or tighten up your sphincter (maybe just me) because you know it's not what you really want to say but it's the best you can do for now.  It's the placeholder for your genius that is to come or to be determined.  I love TBD - so much promise, so non-specific, so non-committal.  But TBD has an expiry date.  It can not last forever.  TBD must give way to....a shitty first draft.